Friday, August 29, 2014

Embassy Party

Oh, I'm a happy girl! They had a pig roast. The party was a lot of fun! It was outside in a courtyard area and was well decorated. They had tiki torches all around and as table centerpieces. Also, on the tables were sand and shells. It was quite pretty. White table clothes and proper napkins and silverware. 

The spread of food was incredible! They had quite a few carving stations, including the pig roast and then hot stations with fish, pigs in blankets, meatballs and spring rolls to name a few. Additionally there were tons of different salads. Potato salad with BACON bits, a few different pasta salads, ambrosia and lots of veggies. Then you move to dessert, yay! There was probably 20 different options. I had four! Pecan pie, spice cake, coconut mousse and the loveliest profiteroles drizzled with chocolate.

There was a DJ who began the evening playing ukulele music but segued into traditional American dance music as the evening progressed. Typically, after a few beverages, everyone ended up on the dance floor! There were people of all nationalities and everyone was open to meet new people. 

I exchanged contact information with a few people and look forward to some new adventures in the future! I had to shake myself a few times when I remembered that I was having this experience in the middle of Riyadh. It felt like a wedding at home where I didn't know too many people. 

I've been told the French embassy hosts fabulous gatherings, as well and think I have a contact to let me know when they happen. On to the next adventure. Let the dream continue!

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