Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sharm El Sheik

These are the last of the photos from Egypt.  They were all taken in Sharm El Sheik. Sharm is a resort area in the South Sinai area of Egypt, at the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula and along the Red Sea.  I was hoping to kite but there was no wind. It was a disappointment as the water was crystal clear and really flat. 

I did go snorkeling, though and that was pretty incredible.  The reefs are well known and are just off the beach. I was able to go out on a pier from my resort and plop in at the end and there was a large reef system right there.  

I liked the vases and colors of these walls

The bougainvillea everywhere reminded me of home

This was the walkway down to the sea

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This was their Christmas Nativity scene.

And some other holiday decorations. It was treat for me as Saudi doesn't do this.  I didn't miss the christmas carols playing constantly at home but did miss the decorations. It really never felt like Christmas here

The view from one of the restaurants

You can see the huge reef system in these next few photos. It was incredible and so close to shore

Goofy holiday decorations

This was looking back towards the resort

The fish seemed to have no fear

This one was really interested in my camera.

Almost too interested, it was a little scary at times, he would charge at it

I think it is a trigger fish and if I remember correctly from my salt water fish tank days, they can bite

I was sweating taking photos as he came so close. He was really beautiful, yellow and a bright blue on his sides

Mom ahead of me on the camels. Saudi camel saddles are highly superior to the Egyptian ones. And these are Sinai camels, they weren't as pretty as the ones in Saudi, either. Can't say I ever thought I'd be passing judgement on various breeds of camels and their riding gear!

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