Sunday, July 20, 2014

Saturday adventures

I hiked on Saturday, as well, to a different spot with completely different terrain. We went down into an escarpment where there are fresh water pools that you can jump into most of the year. It is a bit too late in the summer for that right now. The pools were mostly dried up and the water was not an inviting color. But, I will get back there after it rains.

This was with a different group of people. There were 4 of them and they have all been here over a year, some for many years. They are here as families so it was really interesting to speak to them. They have a wealth of knowledge about the country and lifestyle for expats here.  Additionally, I found my in for the Hash House Harriers! This is an international  running group that you have to be an expat to join. And here, you need a sponsor.  So, I'm pleased to have made that connection. Probably won't start until after I return from Europe.

Since these people all live on different complexes and have been here for a while, I asked if anyone knew any fake blond girls and, if so, could they get me the name/number of their hairdresser.  One person jumped right in to tell me that the hairdresser at the Arizona compound is supposed to be good, lots of girls use him. I am sure he won't be my Julija but at least I shouldn't have to worry about my hair falling out from over bleaching!

We are scheduled to leave for London in 10 days...although, the date and location seem to be forever changing! I am looking forward to a trip. I have been told that we will stay in a hotel there as they don't have a house. Should be a pretty nice way to spend a month. Our food is covered, whether we eat room service, hotel resto or out at a resto. We just submit receipts. Life isn't hard here! I just have to remember that I am not on holiday and try to eat healthy. It is difficult for me to order the healthy choice when I have a menu of lovely things in front of me!

I have been getting in good workouts every day but miss CrossFit. Our gym is really well equipped with Nautilus machines but not as well with free weights. We have a full set of dumb bells and one barbell with a few plates.  It works with some creativity. I brought my jump rope and I think I will start adding some pool work, although I hate swimming for exercise. It is too much work!!! I had a funny moment this week. I haven't been getting in my regular workouts for a few weeks as I have been traveling so I expected to be a bit out of shape. But, I have been racking weights and wondering how I could have lost sooo much strength in such a short time.  I finally realized this morning that the weights here are in Kilos! They are a bit more than double pounds. Made me feel much better about my fitness, but killed all confidence in my intellectual ability! What a dunce...

Look Florida folks, we have coral too! I found out that this country used to be underwater. Apparently you can find fossilized shark teeth, as well. 

This is hard to see but the triangle in the middle is a camel camp

The city in the background is Riyadh...home 

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